Live streaming is the answer for all of your marketing struggles, or, at least, for most of them, as it provides audiences with the memorable experience they are looking for. Here is how to use live streaming as a marketing tool.

Take them behind the curtain

People love to be engaged in what happens behind the scene and the proof are all the behind the scenes shows made for the most popular series on TV. Being able to see how a product is made or how a service comes to your house is addictive and makes people remember your company. Follow the lead of all the movie streaming apps and make your own live streaming app or use an already-made one to show audiences that real humans work behind the screens and emails. Connect with your potential clients by showing them relatable situations. You can take it to the next level and actually make live streaming interactive by answering your audience’s questions.

Broadcast live events

This is a great way to reach your audience and build that important bridge between you and them. Each time you attend a business event, announce it on your website and on your social media channels. Then, live stream it, making sure to answer any questions from your viewers. Live streaming events is a great way to engage the targeted audience, as only those people who are really interested in your niche will watch the streaming sessions.

Real time interactions

Apart from events, you can live stream interactions with your products or services. For example, if you have a new makeup product, you can live stream someone using the product in real time. If that person is an influencer, you are definitely going to standout from your competition. Another way to show people how your products work is to have someone review them in real time. For example, you can ask a tech guru to review a site builder and live-stream the entire session. This way, your audience is going to be able to ask questions and see how to use the product/service you provide.

Troubleshooting live

These days we can find company contact numbers where robots ask you to press different buttons. If you are lucky, you might be put in line with a call center officer. But if you really want to reach people, offer them what they want and conduct a troubleshooting live session. This will give people the opportunity to interact with real humans, which is exactly what they want. You can promote these sessions and have them once, twice, etc. per week, so people can become accustomed to these hours. This way, you can also gather real time feedback from your clients, which is another important thing for a startup.

Live streaming the training sessions

When you come up with a new product or a new way to use a product or service, you can teach your audience how to use it by live streaming training sessions. To make sure everyone manages to watch these training live sessions, you can advertise them and ask your audience for their preferred time. Another good idea to connect with your audience is to pick some of your loyal customers and invite them to receive this training. There are many ways one can use live streaming for boosting their brand awareness and connecting with their audience. Just pay attention to what your audience wants and offer it to them. Live-streaming offers the recognition and the sense of belonging humans lack these days. Featured photo credit: Chiurch via