Do you know what is it that is missing? It is the power from within; the spark that keeps one going. But you might ask, “Why does one need motivation in the first place? Can’t we function without it? Can’t we just keep up a routine without being enthused?” Actually, you can! But the problem is that you just cannot excel at anything if you are not motivated enough.

Why do we all need motivation?

We, as logical beings, need a reason for performing any action. If money attracts me, I will work. If I want to become a published author, I will work on polishing my writing skills. If I want to lose weight, I will control my calorie intake. So on and so forth. So you see, there is some goal or target that keeps you going. Without that, we would not want to work or exert our energy on any type of work. A very important aspect of motivation is that it can disappear easily. One thing that motivates us right now might not remain the same in the future. Goals change, desires diminish and things simply evolve over time. Nothing in life remains constant and thus we need motivation constantly. Each morning we need a flame that motivates us from within.

Now the million dollar question:

Since being motivated is so important, how do we keep ourselves motivated enough to keep working on a goal and not get tired of it?

The answer to this million dollar question:

Don’t worry. We have the answers ready for you here. There are many ways of keeping yourself motivated, but we will focus on the most important and practical ones here so that you stay motivated to follow this advice.

1. Know what you like doing.

If one knows what they like to do, it is highly likely that they will keep doing it. Writing is what I love to do; that is why I keep doing it and do not just get bored of it. Everybody has different interests, likes and dislikes. A person just cannot keep doing something for long if they don’t like it enough.

2. Choose and focus.

Most of the time, the reason behind our failure is that we do not focus. We like doing too many things or have a lot of varied interests. Due to lack of focus, one becomes a jack of all and master of none. Each morning, we need to set our priorities and focus on them. We have limited time and energy and it is put to best use if we know our forte and focus on it.

3. Think positive.

It might sound like a cliché but this is a must!! When you wake up in the morning, try to think about at least three encouraging things in your life or from your previous day. This will set a positive tone to your day and you will see for yourself how productive your day turns out. Tip: To combat depressing phases in my life, I keep a notebook and jot down my achievements (big or small) or positive happenings in my life. When I feel low, I read it and become totally rejuvenated.

4. Begin your day early.

You might hate me for this one but trust me: it makes a lot of difference when it comes to your productivity. You are at the best of your energy levels for the day. Your mind is clearer and you are refreshed from the previous day’s hectic events. Try this for a few days and you might even end up liking the early morning environment and the energy that it brings with it.

5. Practice the above suggestions daily.

Yeah, that’s the most important tip! Nothing will work if we don’t follow it regularly. Only perseverance brings out great results!! The above tips might sound simple but that’s the trick. They work due to the simplicity. Try for yourself and let us know about the results!! Stay motivated everyone! Why do you need motivation? Featured photo credit: lookingtowardheaven.jpg/anitapeppers via