At this time of the year, many women are staying away from family get-togethers in order to avoid being asked when they’ll be bringing home Mr. Right or when family members can expect to see the first child. Annoying, right? Everyone has been dying to meet my Mr. Right or hear that I am engaged — while reminding me at every chance that I can’t marry my job. But, while I know how to handle my inquisitive family members or friends of my mom who want to prey in my personal life, maybe you don’t quite know how to handle it. The truth is that, while you may have that well-paying job and that new bag you purchased for Christmas, you haven’t quite gotten over your ex who is posting on Instagram about how happy he is with his new girlfriend. Or maybe you feel sorry for yourself because all your girlfriends are spending Christmas in the company of their boyfriends during the holidays. Not acknowledging your reality and moping over what could have been definitely won’t help. Who said being single and alone should equate to feeling sorry for yourself and being lonely? Sure, the holidays are heightened with much excitement and there is much to do — but you can be a part of it too. You don’t have to compare your life to everyone else’s — this is your time to enjoy the single life. It’s a great time for reflection. It gives you the time to enjoy your own time, to embrace your beautiful flaws, to learn from past mistakes and to grow into a more confident and self-assured you. Have you been single since forever? Maybe you need to add “a new healthy and loving relationship designed for me” to your vision board for 2016. One of the things I have personally realized is that sometimes we don’t ask for exactly what we want, or we ask but then we go out chasing things that are not designed for us. To my single girlfriends: ask and wait patiently. No, don’t get desperate and go looking on OkCupid for a man — date, have friends, and believe that Mr. Right will come at the right time. Until then, work on being a better version of yourself. So, this holiday, while there are so many amazing activities you could do with that boyfriend you wish you had, there are so many things single women like yourself can enjoy too. After all, being single for the holidays doesn’t mean you should be left out of all the fun and all the enjoyments of the festive season. Here are few ways to enjoy the holidays.

1. Host a Christmas Dinner

Maybe you are always invited to attend a friend or family member’s Christmas dinner. This year, why not host your own? Get the house decorated, set up your Christmas tree, pack cute little tokens under the Christmas tree for your guests, add some lights, and give the house some life. Call up some friends and family members (especially, those who you hardly ever get the time to see) and invite them over for dinner. Invite everyone to bring a meal or some drinks, then throw in that CD with your favourite Christmas carols, set the atmosphere and spend time with loved ones over meals and send them home with memories that will last a lifetime.

2. Attend a Christmas Dinner/Party

Have you turned down the invite to attend a Christmas dinner or to stay home this holiday just because you don’t have the perfect date? Whoever said you need a handsome man on your arm to enjoy an evening out? Why give up an invitation to an event that will bring some laughter to your holidays just to stay home, lonely and sulky? If someone invites you over for dinner this holiday, take them up on the offer. Don’t refuse it. It may be your chance to meet a new guy or an opportunity to meet new people who may possibly be your next boss or client. Get yourself a new outfit, get pampered, then go out, mingle, and have some fun. What do you have to lose?

3. Host a Christmas Event for the Kids

There are many children who will not be enjoying the holidays due to unfortunate circumstances. To put a smile on someone’s face and give something to those in need, try hosting a Christmas event for the kids in your community and on your street. Get friends, co-workers, family members, and your neighbours to contribute to the event and treat the children. Prepare meals, purchase gifts, and get community members to assist in treating the kids — we’re sure the little ones will appreciate it and you will feel great about your good deed.

4. Plan a Single Ladies Getaway

Maybe you are not the only single girl among your friends. Why not call up your single girlfriends and plan a trip? Get packed, drive out of town, or fly out for the weekend for a holiday getaway. Indulge in something new and exciting with your girls and make it a memorable holiday for you all. Maybe you could even make it an annual tradition.

5. Start your own tradition

You can make your holidays perfect and memorable by starting new and amazing holiday habits. Invite friends over to watch Christmas movie marathons or organize an annual feeding program for a children’s home or for the homeless. Then, send out invitations and invite friends and family members to partake in the activities for the holidays — signal the start to a cool holiday tradition.

6. Treat Yourself

Is there something you have always wanted? What achievements have you accomplished this year? You’ve worked hard and hardly had time to relax, much less to treat yourself. So, for the holidays, treat yourself to new experiences. If you can afford it, take a staycation — take yourself to dinner at your favourite restaurant or visit the spa. Take the time to reflect, celebrate your wins, and reward yourself. You deserve it! Take advantage of the holidays and make this year memorable. Who said you can’t enjoy the holidays as a single woman? Featured photo credit: Young Woman Decorating a Christmas Tree BY VIKTOR HANACEK via