See the Humor in the Situation

It should be no surprise that men are attracted to women who have a bright spirit. Those who smile and give off a positive energy about where they are in their life and what their goals are exude an aura that is attractive. On the contrary women who are miserable, have a grumpy face and only talk about their life’s woes are likely to push away a potential suitor. It is essential to keep this in mind as you date. When you meet someone new, instead of being bogged down and assuming this date will be as bad as the last, take humor from the situation. Use your past bad dates to fuel your future meetups. In every bad date there is a funny story. Revel in this fact. You now have something to bond over on your next date! Chances are he has some stories to share as well. Now you have a common ground to connect on. When you are laughing on your dates you are going to be giving off that positive energy and extracting good, genuine qualities from him. It’s how you perceive your past dates that is going to make or break the upcoming ones.

Take Control of Your Own Story

Similarly when it comes to pesky friends and family (we love you, but back off), it’s time to write your life the way you want it to be. People only judge you based on how you tell your life story. So, if you sit around talking about how lonely and miserable you are and how every man you’ve met has been a total loser, you are fueling people to look at your life as a mess. When you present your dating life as the great adventure and journey that it is, you create a reality to be envied. As the saying goes, the grass is always greener, meaning that your married friends and family are going to be envious of your life!

Don’t Get in a Dating Rut, Mix It Up!

There is excitement that comes with getting all dolled up and meeting new people. Hopefully you are getting to try new restaurants and go to museums or baseball games. Your dating life is as interesting and awesome as you let it be. Many men don’t like having to think up all the plans, so if there is an adventure you want to take, you should suggest it! Not every date needs to be drinks or dinner; experience life, try new things! I guarantee when your attitude changes about your dating life, those around you will change how they talk to you. They will be dying to hear your latest saga instead of pressuring you to go on a blind date with their friend’s friend.

Reality Is How You Perceive It to Be

Lastly, a change in your perception is going to benefit you! You have the choice to be a happy person! The benefits of choosing to see your failed dates as funny little life journeys is good for your soul. Seriously, what good is being miserable? Take the first step to realize that the reason you haven’t met your match is because you simply have not met your match! Thank goodness you are still on your journey and not committed to the wrong person! There is so much you can learn about yourself and what you’re looking for in a mate when you take the time to date and be the best you you can be. Don’t you want to meet someone else who is being their best self? It is so important to put out the best parts of our personality so that we attract a person of that same quality. You will be amazed and excited when you start to see how looking at your failed dates in a positive manner has changed your life. Better dates, better friends and family interactions, and an overall better you. It’s alright if your shift in attitude doesn’t come overnight, but start making simple changes. Start by telling a friend the story of your last failed date in an upbeat manner. Find the humor, the adventure and the lesson from that experience. The more effort you put in to changing your attitude, the quicker it will become your reality and the more likely you are to feel great! Featured photo credit: The Smile that would make you happy -Lara Cores via