Another interesting major disruption is just around the corner, which can make an even bigger impact on our lives than all of its other ace predecessors. Driverless cars were once considered science fiction, only to be seen in movies, but they are fast becoming a reality as evident by the driverless car stats. Although it will be a while until we are engulfed by this amazing technology, it still is a major consideration on the changes it will beget on the current scenario. There will be some major shake ups down the road, let’s look at 5 ways how these amazing autonomous vehicles are going to have an impact on the world!

Increased integrated driven productivity

Autonomous cars don’t need to follow state laws and are not required to take rest like human drivers which could highly increase productivity as these cars will be able to operate 24 hours without direct human intervention. These cars “see” the road through GPS, which enables them to work even in low light and foggy conditions, making long haul payload transportation more efficient. Companies could earn highly from this increased efficiency and making this revolution in supply chain, would keep prices of different materials low for the common consumer without affecting profitability. Now that’s productivity!

Lowering human effort

With a smartphone in almost every hand, there would be high convenience in them being given commands which they can line up on themselves, given an increase in robotic and AI technology, and make light of tasks which we humans consider cumbersome, like taking your mom for her routine checkup every week. This will free humans up to engage more in productive activities. The same time period could now be utilized to achieve even more as we won’t be engaged in hour long commutes towards work or picking children up from their schools, we could instead be dozing up on our way to home from work or catch up on some latest music while the cars brings the children. What an amazing let off would that be!

Changing Job Dynamics in the Transportation Industry

As cars would be driven autonomously, there would be increase in joblessness for people working in the transportation industry as drivers. This could both be used as a bane or a beneficial advantage as these now free workers could be put to other more useful tasks accomplishing more or they could become irrelevant. It all depends on planning and charting out a course on how these people could be re-accommodated into the job market otherwise they could end up as disgruntled workers in the race for driverless cars. Policy makers round the world should keep an eye on this issue as there have been a lot of instances in history where a new disruption caused sudden high unemployment causing social unrest. These workers could be re-instigated into the same supply chain industry in different roles.

Putting a lid on Environmental Damage

Carbon emissions from factories and automobiles have caused increasing damage to the fragile climatic conditions of this planet, with us now on the brink of a major calamity owing to the increase in greenhouse gases anytime soon. These autonomous vehicles mostly employ solar power as compared to conventional modes of transportation, will cause a drastic reduction in carbon emissions worldwide, lowering our carbon footprint and putting a leash on the breakaway climate change we have instigated, even if not reversing the damage altogether. These autonomous cars will ensure that our over dependence on fossil fuels end and with that our monstrous impact on the world we currently inhibit.