Here are some of the realities of marriage that no one told you about before you got hitched.

1. You have different ideas on how to load the dishwasher

You might think that the way that you do chores is the way everyone else does them, but if so, you are sorely mistaken. Your significant other probably has a different approach to how to load the dishwasher or do laundry. Remember, because there are cups on the bottom rack or a few dark pieces of clothing with the light, it does not mean that World War III should break out.

2. You realize the very real clean wars

Remember the saying ‘opposites attract’? This is not always true, especially in marriage. If you thought living with a slob would not be a big deal, while you tend to be a bit OCD, it’s definitely not as simple as it may seem. Usually the cleaner person ends up being the bad guy, mostly because they are always cleaning or nagging their messier partner to clean up after themselves.

3. You gain twice the stuff

Ever dreamed of getting free stuff? One of the side effects of marriage is that you will be doubling your possessions now. Do not be concerned if your house starts to look like something that you could be a qualifier for the TV show ‘Hoarders’.

4. You never win TV remote battles

Television watching is a whole other ballgame. You might be roped into viewing shows you might never wish on your worse enemy. It seems like whoever gets to the remote first gets to choose, and unfortunately, it is rarely you.

5. You realize how to read between the lines

Beware of the notorious passive response that tends to be popular with married folk. Answers like “I don’t care what we eat tonight” or “I don’t want anything for our anniversary” are sometimes (not always though) responses that are actually more loaded than they first appear. They can often be translated to “I will eat anything but Italian or Chinese food” and “I would actually love this new tablet, but I don’t want to seem greedy.”

6. You are always awoken by frozen feet

You know the expression “cold feet” quite literally, when your spouse puts their freezing feet on your warm body. There is nothing that will wake you up faster than this jolt of ice under the covers. All too often, you have to kindly – and sometimes not so kindly – remind your spouse that you are not a heater.

7. You have to attend twice the family reunions

Growing up, you always dreaded the annual family reunion and now that you are married you cannot escape your spouse’s either. There are times when you feel like you would rather empty the dishwasher for the whole entire year, than face a force family get-together. The thing things you do for love, right?

8. You have very different taste in music

You love country, while your spouse loves bluegrass. This is not a problem usually, except when you are in the car together and you want to listen to some communal tunes. You are learning the art of compromising quite well.

It is an unspoken rule in marriage that you always ask your spouse if they want to have the last cookie, slice of cake, piece of pizza. And  yes, that is even if you know they will say yes 100% of the time.

10. You have to endure your fair share of bodily functions

Once you are married, you seem to feel quite relaxed around each other, which can lead to frequent passing of air out both ends. After all, you did say for better or worse during your wedding vows, right? Featured photo credit: Flickr via