Many times life takes us to unfamiliar territories and our dreams fade. We move through life, but our dreams are left behind while we sacrifice, bleed, sweat, and fight to make others’ dreams come through. Some of us got married, had children, got a job and those dreams that brought us such excitement and happiness are no longer a priority. We put our dreams and aspirations on hold. We are so focused on all the other things life throws our way that we have forgotten why we are here. Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to. We, therefore, have to make things happen. So what happens to those dreams when the kids are all grown and have left, or, when a relationship ends? Do you now have regrets? Are you angry? Do you feel lost? How are your self-esteem and confidence? How much are those dreams and aspirations worth to you at this point? Do they still matter to you? I am here to tell you that if those dreams truly matter to you, you can still make them come through. Your dreams, though delayed, should never be aborted or abandoned. They are right where you left them, waiting for you to renew your love and determination. Before long, you can make those dreams and aspirations a reality. Here are a few tips to remember when trying to go after your dreams given a period of delay:

It’s never too late to go after your dreams

Firstly, you must want to go after your dreams with all that you have within you. Even though it is much later in your life, you can achieve these dreams. You may be older but your dreams never truly die. On the bright side, you are now wiser, stronger, and better prepared to deal with life at this stage.

Control all the negative thoughts in your head

Our minds can be merciless especially when we are trying to go into uncharted territory. All the passion you had is replaced with cynicism and questions. You now become fearful, intimidated, and filled with doubt. You can hear your mind asking you questions loud and clear. Why now? Aren’t you too old?  You will never do it? These are just of a few of the many thoughts that will be going through your mind once you decide to get up and make a change. The worse fights you will have when going after your dreams will be those from within. The ones that only you have control of and the ones that will be with you all throughout your journey. You will have to want it badly and be determined that nothing and no one is going to delay your dreams anymore. The same mind that is telling you that you can never do it is the same mind you will have to condition to now motivate you to want to do it.

You might have to go it alone

Often when you decide to go after your dreams, you will find yourself alone. The people you love and care for may no longer be supportive of those dreams. Many may not understand it and others are fearful since they like you have neglected their dreams. If they couldn’t do it, they do not believe you can either. You are going to feel empty and alone sometimes. You will be second guessing yourself and whether or not you’ve made the right decision. You will have to be strong and realize that those thoughts are normal, but you must be prepared forging ahead. We all had those dreams where we believed we could achieve anything. How many of us have stopped to consider the price we will have to pay to achieve those dreams?

Take small steps

You need to start out taking small steps. Things are going to look and feel strange to you at first, and it might take you some time to get yourself together. With determination, you will find your way. You will soon realize that things do become easier with time.

Socialize with people who share your passion

Go out and meet other people who, like you, are starting over. You would be surprised to know that you are not alone. There are many people who had put their dreams on hold and are now going out and trying to achieve them and doing so.

Be bold and courageous

You must be bold and strong. Do not allow negative thoughts to control your mind. Do not allow fear to prevent you from achieving your dream.  Let fear become your motivator.  Fear should be the reason you go out and work harder.  The more steps you take in the direction of attaining your goals the less fearful you will be. The closer you are to achieving your dreams the more self-confidence you will have. The more confidence you have the harder and more determined you will be to pursue your dreams.

The only right time is now

There will never be a right time to go after what you want than today. If you continue to wait around for the right time, it will never come.  You have to make the time. You must be willing to take steps into the vast unknown and be confident you will be fine.

Be prepared to fail a few times

Failure should never be the reason you quit fighting for your dreams. You must expect to fail but also be prepared to get back up and keep going.  Failure is just a bump in the road towards your dreams.  Remember you haven’t done it before therefore you will mess up sometimes but that is part of learning. You will also be discouraged and frustrated but dig deep to find the strength. Learn from those mistakes and keep going. Every mistake  should make you wiser, stronger, more courageous and better able to handle anything life throws your way.

Enjoy your life

Most of us tend to put off enjoying life to achieve our dreams but while we are delaying our happiness, life is passing by. Choose to be happy in spite of what is going on in your life. If you aren’t happy with things the way they are now you will never be happy even when you have achieved your goals. Choose to be happy with every step you take, good or bad. Take the time to do things that excite you and things that make you feel good about yourself. Life is short and if you are willing to be happy with a little, you will be just as happy with a lot. The same is true if you choose not to be happy with a little: you will only be an unhappy person with lots of stuff.

Take time to lend a hand

While you are eager to go after your dream do take some time to lend a hand to those that are less fortunate. It will give you a different perspective on life. You will also realize how helping others help you as well. It will also help take your mind off your problems at least for a moment and when you return you will be better able to see things differently.

Never quit

You will be tempted to throw your hands in the air and give up when things get rough. But after waiting all this time to go after what you love you should never let anything deter you. Fight for what is yours even harder than you fought for other people’s dreams.  You will have the same struggles, but now this is for yourself. Be brave and face life knowing that you are fighting for yourself this time. Featured photo credit: Dreams by Djorn Lindel via