If you’re stuck in the same old routine, it might be time to try something new. So what new things can you do today? Sometimes, you just need to switch up your routine and mix things up a bit. Everything listed here is something you can easily do no matter where you live, and even on a tight budget! Try out one of these 30 new things today, you’ll be happy you did.

30 New Things To Do Today

Whether you want to find inspiration for places to visit today, stuff to do today, or simply something to do today in general, here are some ideas.

1. Visit a suburb in your city that you’ve never been to before, or somewhere you haven’t explored much.

You may just find a new place to love. Visiting new places is one of the most special things you can do especially if you want to switch up your surroundings. When you explore a new place, you will renew your sense of adventure in many ways.

2. Learn ten phrases in a new language–what about Japanese, Italian or Portuguese?

Learning a language is challenging, but it’s one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. When learning a language, just remember to be patient. Start with greetings, and then conversational phrases.

3. Listen to a genre of music you haven’t tried before–perhaps Jazz, Punk, or Blues?

Do not be afraid to experiment with a new genre you don’t listen to normally. Music can be a form of therapy that can relax you.

4. Have a picnic in your local park complete with a packed lunch and your animal friends.

You can prepare a sumptuous charcuterie board filled with your favorite cheeses and cold cuts. You can enjoy your picnic alone and all you need is to bring a book with you, or a pair of headphones to listen to new music. If you want to take the extra mile, invite some of your closest friends and you can ask them to contribute food to the picnic. Use this time to catch up with each other.

5. Start a daily journal to write your thoughts in.

Writing can be a form of therapy. When you journal, you can put your thoughts into words and this will help you untangle difficult emotions. When you write your experiences and thoughts down, you can also look back on the things you have written a couple of years from now.

6. Try a new cuisine–what about French, Lebanese or Korean?

Experimenting with a new cuisine is such an exciting thing to do. When you explore new cuisines, you will be surprised at the burst of flavors you will encounter. Try to push yourself when it comes to discovering new flavors. Who knows, you’ll end up finding your next favorite food through this tip.

7. Visit your local library and borrow some books for the weekend.

Perhaps you want to stick with classic books, or you want to try newly published ones? Reading can be your little escape from reality. When you read, you can imagine yourself in the shoes of characters and see the world in a new light.

8. Plant some flowers in your garden.

If you don’t have one, try an indoor potted plant. Gardening is immensely therapeutic, and you’ll be surprised at how this activity will make you feel grounded. Some of the flowers you can plant include roses or sunflowers. You can also try planting basil, dill, or tomatoes if you love cooking.

Enjoying art may not be for everyone, but it never hurts to try. You may even be surprised at how much art can make you feel things.

10. Learn a new skill–what about sewing, gardening, or cooking?

You can pick a short-term skill that could be done in a single afternoon. This can include learning how to cook a certain dish, or painting on a canvas. You can also learn something more long-term such as learning how to surf, play tennis, or play the guitar.

11. Say hello to a neighbor you don’t usually talk to.

Who knows, you’ll have tons of things in common. Talking to new people can be extremely refreshing.

12. Make a card for a friend and send it to them with a handwritten note.

Handwritten letters are so special and will truly make your friends feel valued.

13. Learn how to cook a new dish for dinner.

We all get tired of eating the same thing. Why not try making something new? You can also try experimenting with new cuisine. For instance, if you’ve always wanted to learn how to cook steak, why don’t you try it? You can also teach yourself how to bake and then give away your baked goods to your friends.

14. Re-read an old favorite book.

Don’t leave it gathering dust on your bookshelf; get it out and read it all over again. Every time you read your favorite book, you will surely learn something new.

15. Research the culture of a different country online–what about India, Guatemala, or Sweden?

When you visit these countries in the future, you are already armed with knowledge. There’s also something magical about learning about new cultures because you can compare them with yours. Try to see the similarities and dissimilarities between the culture you are studying, and the culture you are used to.

16. Go for a walk or bicycle ride around your neighborhood.

This will give you much-needed exercise. Doing these things is also a great way to release endorphins which can make you happier.

17. Watch a classic film like Casablanca, The Godfather, or The Wizard of Oz.

Classic films are called classic for the reason – these films have stood the test of time. No matter which stage you are in your life, you are bound to learn a lesson from these films.

18. Make a photo album of a recent holiday you took.

Don’t let your memories get lost on your computer hard drive; make a special keepsake album of your trip. Looking at these photos will make you remember all the happy memories you’ve had during your trip.

19. Visit your local farmers’ markets and pick out some fresh produce.

Farmers’ markets are full of delicious fresh fruit, veggies, and more. Whether you live in a small or big city, chances are, there are Farmer’s markets that open every weekend. Use this opportunity as a time to shop for the freshest ingredients if you want to cook. You may even find local artists that sell trinkets and art here.

20. Plan a day trip to somewhere outside your city–it might be the seaside, mountains or another city!

Just seeing a new environment will do wonders for your mental health. This doesn’t need intense planning. You can be spontaneous and drive around without a destination in mind. Who knows, you may discover a new restaurant or destination you’ll end up loving.

21. Check out what community events are running in your area and attend one.

This can be a concert by local bands, a sports event, or a fair. Attending activities like this is also an amazing way to meet new people and make new friends.

22. Make a birthday present for a friend.

Handmade gifts are personal and much more special than anything you could buy from a store. For instance, you can make a scrapbook of all the moments you’ve had together, or you can make them an artsy gift such as a dream catcher. This will only take a little effort from you but it will paint a smile on their faces.

23. Attend a play at your local theater.

Support your local theater and have a fun night out at the same time.

24. Volunteer with your local nature conservation society to plant some trees.

Conservation societies are always looking for helping hands; do your bit and plant some trees. Make sure to research well about all the organizations in your area and choose ones that have a sustainability program to ensure your efforts don’t go to waste.

25. Be a tourist in your city.

Visit all the popular tourist sites you’ve likely never been to (don’t forget your camera!)

26. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to recently

Just have a good long chat with them or have a quick catch-up!

27. Put on your favorite song and dance your heart out.

You might be surprised at how much fun you have! You can also invite your friends for an intimate house party.

28. Invite some friends over for a BBQ.

There’s nothing better than an afternoon spent with good friends and good food. You can prepare the food, or ask your friends to do a potluck.

29. Try out a new form of exercise.

Have you tried pilates, tennis, surfing, or yoga? Try a new form of exercise now!

30. Organize a clothing swap with your friends.

You’ll have a great time, and save some cash and the environment all at the same time! This is an awesome way to have new things while still being eco-friendly. Remember that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Bottom Line

Asking yourself what you can do today is the first step in changing up your routine. Thanks to the activities listed above, you finally have ideas on the fun things to do today to keep your life interesting. Keep in mind that trying out new things is a form of self-care, and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you want to do something new. Now that you’ve read my list of 30 new things to try today, my question for you is, “what new things will you try today?” Featured photo credit: Unsplash via unsplash.com

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