1. Don’t settle for less than you deserve

One of life’s most important lessons is that everyone deserves to feel safe, to be happy, and to have a chance to pursue their dreams. Never let yourself believe that you are in some way unworthy of the most fundamental rights to which everyone is entitled. You are just good as anyone else. Do not allow yourself to be satisfied with mediocre jobs, relationships and experiences if you want more from life.

2. Let go of relationships that do not make you happy

Sometimes we are tempted to stay in unhealthy relationships. This can either be a relationship that is overtly toxic (for example, when domestic violence is involved) or soul-destroying in a more subtle way (for example, your partner may rarely want to go out, or show little interest in your hopes and dreams). If you truly want to be happy, as well as liberating the other party to find someone to whom they are better suited, end such relationships as quickly and gracefully as possible.

3. Focus on self-improvement as a key priority

Women are often taught to put other people before themselves. Whilst this is positive in that they are trained to avoid being selfish, the result is often a reluctance to put sufficient energy into self-improvement. However, the fact remains that you are going to be your only consistent companion over time. Bearing this in mind, isn’t it worth taking the time and effort to invest in yourself? It’s fine to encourage others and help them reach their full potential, but never overlook yourself. If you want or need to learn new skills or work for that promotion, do it!

4. Embrace challenges, don’t panic

When you decide to work for anything important or special in life, you will face challenges along the way. A major secret to success in life is to change your attitude to challenges. Rather than see them as annoyances or problems with the power to overwhelm you, embrace them as an opportunity to learn new skills and pick up memorable experiences. When you reach your goal, your victory will be even sweeter if you had to battle for what you wanted.

5. Work on caring less about what other people think

By your mid-twenties, you will have realized that everybody you come across has an opinion to share, and that their opinions may not be worth listening to! By all means ask for opinions or advice from those you respect, but an important part of living successfully as an independent adult is to look to yourself first when making decisions. You cannot afford to care too much about judgements other people may be making. No-one knows you and your life better than you do. Act accordingly.

6. Practice the art of saying ‘No’

If you have a habit of trying to please everyone by accepting every invitation or request thrown at you, then you need to learn how to say ‘No.’ If you are overwhelmed or overburdened, then say so. It is unreasonable for others to expect you to shoulder more than your fair share of work, whether in an office or in a relationship. If someone reacts badly to a polite, reasonable ‘No’ then that’s their problem, not yours.

7. Care for yourself and care for your parents

One of the most important assets in life is your health, so be sure to take care of yourself by following a good diet and exercise regimen. Your parents will also be starting to enter their senior years, so make sure you keep an eye on their health. This isn’t to say you should assume responsibility for their wellbeing, but bear in mind that they may need a little extra help and support in the coming years.

8. Cut toxic people out of your life

Toxic people are those individuals who drain you, depress you, and bring you down. They tend to be negative rather than positive, and they deserve no place in your life. Whilst it may be tempting to try and help negative people or get sucked into their downbeat conversations, you need to put your own wellbeing first. If you have realized that certain people make you feel ‘low’ or unhappy, now is the time to gradually cut contact with them. Otherwise you will waste precious time trying to raise their spirits, and feel your own lowering in the process! At the age of 25 you still have a long way to go in life but you have all the experience you need to start taking full responsibility for yourself. Remind yourself of the eight points above and get ready to lead a life that is healthy, happy and satisfying.