Still think breakfast is impossible? Think again. Here we’ll break down the awesome health benefits of eating breakfast and provide some easy ideas so you don’t ever have to skip it again.

1. Helps Prevent Weight Gain

There are countless studies that have proved those who eat breakfast find it easier to maintain a healthy weight. A study done by Tel Aviv University[1] shows that eating a balance of healthy carbohydrates, lean proteins, and even a little dessert can help with healthy choices the rest of the day. By eating a hardy breakfast (with dessert), our body feels satisfied and doesn’t have the urge to make up for lost calories throughout the day by binge-eating or unruly cravings. This in turn helps to improve healthy eating habits aiding in maintaining a healthy weight.

2. Increases Focus and Concentration

When we sleep our body goes without fuel for a long time. By skipping breakfast, your body stays in sleep-mode and draws on its reserve tank for extra energy. This causes your body and brain to work harder and create stress hormones,[2] making you feel tired and sluggish. By breaking your overnight fast, you’re restocking your body with the fuel it needs for optimal performance. Eating a balanced mix of healthy carbs, proteins, and fats helps with the refueling process and gives your body and brain the power it needs to increase your focus and concentration for the rest of the day.

3. Kick Starts Metabolism

During sleep, our metabolism slows down. However, when we’re awake, the body needs to break out of its fasting metabolic state. Eating a balanced breakfast is the best way to kick start the metabolism[3] and the key to staying fired up for the rest of the day. Maintaining a healthy metabolism is also an important part of maintaining or losing weight.

4. Reinforces a Healthy Diet

Science says people who have breakfast every day have more nutritious diets. Eating a balanced and nutritious breakfast sets the tone[4] for your eating habits the rest of the day. It also helps curb excessive hunger and cravings that we get when we have extreme dips in blood sugar.[5]  Complex carbohydrates, high protein, and high fat breakfasts all prevent fast falls in blood sugar, helping prevent cravings. This gives you a fighting chance in choosing healthy meal options the rest of the day because your body won’t be screaming for sugar.

5. Stops Overeating Throughout the Day

People who usually skip breakfast are 50% more likely to become overweight. Skipping breakfast causes our bodies to stay in starvation mode. What happens when you feel starved of anything? You want more of it. Break that vicious cycle by packing in some morning calories. This will help you stay satisfied throughout the rest of your day and prevent you from eating everything in your path.

6. Improves Family Relationships

Eating breakfast with family[6] is a great way to bond and start the day out together. Spending time with the most important people in your life gives everyone the chance to plan, encourage, and laugh about the day ahead. This not only unifies your family but also helps for a smoother day because you’re all starting off on the same foot.

7. Cuts Down on Morning Grouchiness

Ever feel grouchy in the morning? Some people call it “hangry,” but it’s actually your starving brain cells that cause morning moodiness. Prevent crankiness by adding some complex carbs (like oatmeal, whole grain breads, or fruits and veggies) to your morning routine. This helps provide fuel for your brain. When your brain is fueled, it has more time to think about the important day ahead and less time to be grouchy about the lack of food.

8. Reduces the Risk of Health Problems

Probably one of the biggest benefits of breakfast is the long-term effects it will have on your health. According to one study, insulin resistance and obesity rates were 35 to 50 percent lower for people who ate breakfast every day compared to those who skimped.[7] The study suggests that filling your tummy first thing with healthy food helps prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. These are some of the biggest health epidemics faced by many today. You can prevent these fatal and lifelong diseases by eating more food. It doesn’t get much better than that!

How can you fit breakfast into your daily schedule?

Take time to prepare

Breakfast doesn’t need to be fancy, but having quick and easy breakfast foods in your pantry can make or break your day. Also, having some go-to breakfast ideas in your arsenal is the best way to go. Often times low nutrient, high-calorie breakfast foods are easier to grab but not good for you in the long run. A great tip is taking the time to prepare your breakfast the night before, or to lay everything out for the next morning to decrease your prep work.

Pick easy meal ideas

You don’t need to have a three-course breakfast every morning in order to be successful. Keeping easy-to-prepare items in your kitchen like oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, fruit, and cut up veggies is all you need to succeed. Breakfast smoothies are also an easy and nutritious option that will get you out the door on time.

Learn to love leftovers

Leftovers are probably the easiest thing to grab in the morning. If a freshly cooked breakfast isn’t something you have time for, cook something tasty the night before or even grab last night’s dinner for a quick and healthy morning meal. No one ever said dinner couldn’t make a great breakfast! If you thought eating a daily breakfast was impossible, think again. With a few minutes of preparation and easy ideas, breakfast can become a part of your daily routine and can start you on the road to a healthier body and life.