By using your difficult situations to refine your desires, the Law of Attraction can then help bring your desires directly to you.

 Using “Contrast” To Manifest Your Desires

The secret to manifesting when facing contrast is to simply acknowledge the contrast. The other secret is to not get caught up in feelings of unworthiness.  And also to not take responsibility for what the situation means about you as a person. So often when we manifest something undesired, we feel it’s reflecting back to us something bad about ourselves. This leads to getting caught up in a cycle of blaming ourselves or wondering how we need to fix ourselves. The truth is contrast is simply a directional tool to push you towards more of what you want. When you are able to realize this and align with this truth you can create a more aligned and fulfilling life. Watch this video to learn how to use contrast as a directional tool and not as something that keeps you stuck in feelings of unworthiness and keeps you from attracting your desires.