I believe that life is given to us to challenge, to grow within, to step out of comfort zone and achieve the bravest dreams. To make your dream come true – make it as goal and act. Make a plan, clear steps for each day. And you will see how your life takes a new level, each day will count, you will take the best out of it and experience lasting changes. Each goal is like a challenge, it is a chance to change within, to overcome the doubts, worries or other emotions, which don’t let you go closer to your goal. Which tells you – you can’t do it, it is impossible. It is a chance to learn something new in life and about yourself, it is an opportunity to grow.

1. Decision to pursue for the goal, helps to keep clear vision and thoughts.

If you really want to achieve something, there is no room for doubts, worries or other negative thoughts. You know what you want and go for it, with no looking right or left or back. Just straight ahead. Spending all your energy looking for solutions. “I am always more interested in what I am about to do than what I have already done” Rachel Carson

2. To achieve your goals, you have to change your daily habits. It is a chance to discipline yourself.

You realize how many things you do in a day that take you back and away from your goal. You have to give up the things which take energy, time and opportunity to do something useful. No matter what it is — watching TV shows or go out for parties — you have a choice to do something which takes you closer to your goal or keep living as used to. “The biggest distraction in life to one’s focus is often near locus standing people saying all hocus-pocus.”Anuj Somany

3. The difference between dream and goal is action.

In action, you can learn something new about yourself. You open the world to you. You can receive new opportunities, experience and vision. “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.” Bo Bennett

4. By setting a goal, you take a responsibility.

You take your life in your hands and you know – everything depends on you. You stop looking at others with envy or other negative thoughts. You look only at your goal and yourself; there is no competition with others. “If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dream.” Les Brown

5. By achieving your goals, you learn patience.

It takes time to achieve something, to see the results. No matter what it is – failure or victory. You can’t have it right away. You have to take off the pride, the rush and look at the situation realistic and do your best in it. At the end, journey itself gives you fulfillment and meaning, and the result is just a gift for your experience.  “Don’t let fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” Earl Nightingale

6. When you turn your dream into a goal, you become more faithful.

When you have a dream, you wish and hope it will become true, when you have a goal, you have faith it is possible. It gives you strength. Even when you start doubting, the goal gives you strength to renew your faith and keep going. No matter how many failures you have experienced, you keep trying and believe that it is a part of the way to goal. You become humble, learn from the mistakes, take the lesson and go further with more understanding and faith. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King. Jr.

7. Will power.

Focusing on your dream, you improve your will power. It gives strength not to give up. Learn from each failure, to stand up and keep going, not to look back, thinking what if…! “To reach a port, we must sail – Sail, not tie at anchor – Sail, not drift.” Franklin Roosevelt

8. Become kind.

Not the result, but the journey counts. How you do it. You can reach your goals with aggression, in rush or you can take your time, live your life where you are, and step by step create what you want and change within. Often when you achieve something in a rush, you can lose it easily. Being kind to others and yourself makes the journey towards dream more meaningful. And it is nice to look back at your way to goal and realize, you have made this world a better place. “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” Albert Schweitzer

9. Gratitude.

When you have reached some of your goals on your own, you can learn to appreciate it. To be grateful for all the failures, mistakes, for all the people who have helped you to come where you want to be. You take your time, sit back and feel gratefulness. “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

10. You receive and learn a joy of life.

By doing what you like, what you believe for. You share, you give and you create. Your true being blossoms and you feel alive. “Things won are done, joy’s soul lies in the doing.” William Shakespear

11. You improve your creativity.

If you want to get out of obstacles. You have to learn to look at the situation from different perspective. When you are stuck in somewhere and you can’t get out of there, you do anything, become creative and see the unusual solutions. “Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.” James Russell Lowell    I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan   I would like to share with you the story about Lizzie Velasquez and Nick Vujicic. They have inspired me and made me think, what do I do with my life with everything what has given to me. They have achieved so much. The have touched other people lives by their story, believes, action and honest way of living. They have made the best out of what they have and the strong will and goal has lead them to the better live. Without looking around, taking personally other people judgment. The faith, will to live as they want with no doubt that there is something they can’t do, they have reached more than they have ever dreamed. “If I fail, I try again, and again, and again. If YOU fail, are you going to try again? The human spirit can handle much worse than we realize. It matters HOW you are going to FINISH. Are you going to finish strong?”  Nick Vujicic What is your goal for today, for next year? Where do you want to be in 10 years? Who you are and what you do with that each day? Featured photo credit: A new dawn/Justin Kern via flickr.com