You may still not get the job

Even if the interview went really well there’s a chance that you may not get the job. It’s very likely that the company is interviewing multiple candidates and one of them may be more qualified than you are. It’s a tough thing to have to consider but that’s life. You and the interviewer may have had a great conversation and gotten along quite well but your future job isn’t to be liked by the person giving the interview. It’s to do work. If someone comes in after you that is more qualified than you are then you might get turned down even if the interviewer personally liked you better.

You may have to wait a long time

Every company has different recruiting methods and hiring policies. You may be interviewing for a job they need filled immediately. Alternatively you may be interviewing for a job that someone is giving up in a few months when they retire. You could wait days, weeks, or months for a call back. A few days isn’t so bad but can you afford the expenses on your own if you have to wait a couple of months? It’s probably better to have a back up plan. Especially if you end up waiting for a couple of months and then you still don’t get the job. Use this time wisely to apply for jobs in case this one falls through.

Keep it going because you’re doing great

You turned in an application and you just had a great interview. That means you’re on a roll. Use those good feelings as motivation and keep it up! You are happy, full of energy, and you’re ready to take on the world. That’s the mindset you want when applying for jobs. Your good attitude and happy demeanor may very well motivate other employers to give you more interviews which only improves your chances of landing a job.

You may find a better opportunity

The job you’re interviewing for may be pretty good but there are always better opportunities out there. If you give up trying to get job just because you had a good interview in one place, you may end up inadvertently passing up a valuable opportunity to do something better. It’s nice having work but if you knew you gave up on a job with better pay in a nicer work environment just because you gave up after the first good interview, you’d probably kick yourself in the seat of your pants. Like everyone, you deserve the best so why stop looking for it when the first good lead comes along?

Waiting can be agonizing

Have you ever had to wait for something that long before? It’s very unpleasant. Even though the interview went well and even though you may eventually get the job, that’s not going to stop you from sitting next to the phone all day wondering when they’re going to call. Unfortunately for you, the company is interviewing other people and talking about who is the best fit for the job. They do all of that while you wait for them to call you on the phone. Some companies don’t even get back to you if they hire someone else. The agony is an unneeded stress and going to find more opportunities gives you something to do so you don’t have to beat yourself up while waiting.

Never put all of your eggs in one basket

You should never hinge your entire future on whether or not one company will hire you. Companies don’t hire people based on their living situations. They hire them based on their qualifications and talents. Unless you’re Stephen Hawking or Neil deGrasse Tyson, you’re probably not the best at what you do and that means there’s always a chance someone better can come along. You should have options in case one of them falls through. It’s generally a bad idea to depend on any one thing for anything and you definitely shouldn’t do it here.   The job market can be a rough place. Companies want to do what’s best for the company and you want to do what’s best for you. You don’t know what’s best for the company. Only the company knows that. Of the two, you’re the only one with your best interests in mind and that means you need to keep looking out for yourself while the managers at the company you applied for figure out if you’re in their best interests. You’re feeling great now thanks to that good interview. Don’t let those good feelings go to waste. Go back out there and keep digging until you come up with a paycheck. Featured photo credit: Career Girl Network via