When it comes to where you direct your energy, it involves just three simple answers – yes, no, or maybe. Think about it. Every decision you make – voluntary or otherwise, involves a “yes,” a “no,” or a “maybe.” Okay, common sense, right? But are you considering those answers before you make a decision? A lot of people say “yes” to something without really thinking it through. The same goes for those saying “no.” If you are the type who always tends to want to jump in and help, you probably blurt out a “yes” before you think through what the request entails. If you prefer to stick to your own tasks, you may say “no” without really judging what’s being asked. Are you a Yes Person, a No Person, or do you say “maybe”…? When it comes to productivity and your own personal development, there are pros and cons to both yes and no answers. Adrian posted an excellent view of why saying “yes” more often can be beneficial, and saying “no” may help you take back your time. People who always say “yes” may get taken advantage of. Those who always say “no,” may be considered selfish or not helpful. Neither one is bad, if you make sure you are consciously directing where you put your time and effort. And that’s the key, consciously… The third path I had a mentor years ago who said always answer with a “maybe” response. It could be “hmm…let me think that over,” or “that might work, let me check my schedule.” Going with a “maybe” gives you time to think about what the request actually involves, and whether you want to put your energy towards it. Now some of you might be thinking “duh, everyone does that.” The thing is, most don’t. If you do, wonderful, you’ve got a good handle to being consciously aware of where you direct your energy. But many people struggle with this. So next time you’re put on the spot, instead of going with your usual “yes” or “no” answer, use a “maybe.” The take some time to mull over the choice. It’s your time and energy. Using it in a way that can both benefit you and help others is a nice balance to achieve. What do think – yes, no, or maybe…? Tony D. Clark writes, draws cartoons, designs software and websites, and spends a lot of time talking others into working from home, being creative, and doing what they love. His blog Success from the Nest helps people to design and run a home-based business that is in line with their unique gifts, values, personality, and world-view – all served up with humor and cartoons.

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