Bruce was embarrassed, but his strong yet patient instructor kneeled down and reassured him that it’s okay to cry. It’s okay for boys and men to cry and show emotion, because life is full of challenges and tough times. The instructor decided to share the video of their interaction with the world to encourage people to allow both sons and daughters to cry when facing emotional stress and to “patiently walk them through it.”

Let it all out

Even people who consider themselves to be “tough” need to learn that every once in awhile, it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to show emotion. It’s okay to let yourself have that moment where you just “let it all out.” Bottling up those emotions can cause health issues, anger management trouble, confusion and even depression. But recognizing those emotions, sorting through them and even showing them–whether in public or surrounded by your support team in private–can be uplifting and enlightening. Expressing emotions also helps you be more creative. It helps you “get over” whatever has upset you and allows you to grow and move on. Interestingly, stress-related tears also flushes your body of toxins, according to a study by Dr. William H. Frey II with the St Paul-Ramsey Medical Centre. Crying helps you come to terms with a loss, get through a stressful time and sometimes, you just feel better when you’re done.

Crying makes you stronger

Some people believe that crying actually makes you strong. Washington Irving was quoted as saying: “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” There’s a comical piece about when it’s okay for men in particular to cry. It notes that it’s okay on your wedding day, at the birth of your baby, at the loss of a pet or a loved one, even when your all-time favorite truck or vehicle is totalled. But the truth is, whether you’re male or female, and you feel those emotions welling up for a solidly logical reason, let it out. You’ll feel better and no one will think the less of you.