All of the signs of a true entrepreneur manifest pretty early. You will be able to see them in children as well. If you have these fifteen traits, you might just be an entrepreneur:

1. You take things apart to see how they work

There’s no mystery that you can’t solve! If something seems complex, you’ve been known to take it apart and study it. From VCRs, to computers, to even the basic wind-up toy,  you simply have to know how it works.

2. You are tenacious

Stopping you is impossible. There’s no other way to put it. A setback to you, is just another experience to learn and benefit from.

3. You dislike being told what to do

Who is anyone else to tell you what to do? No one, that’s who! In all seriousness though, entrepreneurs are leaders, not followers. Taking orders just isn’t your style.

4. You are especially competitive

No one likes losing, but if you take it to a whole new level, you might be an entrepreneur in the making. There is something in the ambition and thrill of victory that entrepreneurs naturally crave. Victory is for the doers and the winners, and that’s you!

5. You set goals

Not just in the sense of passively making plans, but actual deadlines and landmarks to reach that you are sprinting for aggressively. Your time is precious and you spend it getting to exactly where you want to be.

6. You plan everything down to tiny details

No detail escapes your discerning eye – and for good reason. If things aren’t going as planned, it’s not going to escape you, and you are sure as anything you aren’t going to let it get out of control.

7. You are proud of yourself

This doesn’t mean you’re stuck up or entitled, but rather that you are not afraid to be proud of your accomplishments and keeping on track of your goals. Success is a medal you wear on the inside, instead of the outside.

8. You keep a cool head in a crisis

A crisis can make anyone lose their cool – its a crisis, for goodness sake! Not for you, however. You are the problem-solver, a level-headed leader who is ready to fix the problem and carry on. An entrepreneur knows that a crisis is bound to happen at some point, but instead of being afraid, they are prepared.

9. You make decisions with logic, not your emotions

The term “follow your heart” is one that is common amongst Gen Y and Disney movies. It’s beautiful advice, but not always practical when it comes to making decisions. Being a passionate and driven individual is great, but you make decisions with logic regardless. Knowing logic is the right direction is a sign of a cool-head in play, not an ego.

10. You can persuade people to your side

A diplomat role requires that cool head from the last few points. It also requires being able to persuade people to see your side of things and win them over. A charismatic and open entrepreneur doesn’t forget the basics: connecting with people can help in all aspects of life, especially people who can respect and support your side.

11. You follow up with people when you are trying to achieve something

Much like the point listed above, connecting with people is invaluable. Following up with them when you are trying to achieve something is just as important. We all know the frustration of a project getting stuck in the pipeline. Being persistent and following up is a sign of tenacity and thinking like an entrepreneur.

12. You don’t lose sight of other people’s emotions

Those people you persuade and follow-up with are still human beings. An entrepreneur doesn’t lose sight of their emotions, not only because they recognize the importance of a good network and team, but they also realize that the emotions of other people are important.

13. You take criticism to mind instead of as a personal insult

Criticism can do everything from raise an eyebrow to rend people to tears, especially when it is criticism towards something considered personal. If you can take criticism without it feeling like a slap in the face, you have the mindset of an entrepreneur at work. After all, a true entrepreneur knows to always listen to their people.

14. You love to learn new things

Some say education ends when you graduate – not for you! If you love to learn and take in new things, your mind is on the track to discovering what you are good at, and what speaks to you personally. If you have many of these other traits, then there is a good chance you already know how to bring it to fruition when it does come.

15. You can pinpoint the flaws in the plans of others

Ever bite your knuckle when someone is going over their plans? You don’t want to hurt their feelings, but you may just know what is really going to make it work. Still, if you can find those flaws and provide a bit of gentle guidance, that is another check to add to the list.


I am willing to bet that if you are reading this, you already have a strong suspicion that you are an entrepreneur. If you said “yes” to most of these points your entrepreneurial hunch is right on the money! Featured photo credit: scobleizer via