Here are some things that I’ve found have worked for me when they’re sitting atop my desk or lack thereof.

Containers Filled with Pens or Other Writing Utensils for Productivity

One of the simplest things that I’ve done to increase my productivity is have multiple containers filled with pens and markers and pencils and all kinds of other utensils. It only takes one pen to get the job done of course. But when presented with such a variety, I’m able to really choose what I think is best for the project that I’m working on. For example, if I want to write, I go for a ballpoint pen. If I was to draw or doodle, a pencil works. If I want to color inside of the lines, I have a cup full of sharpies waiting to be used. But why does this increase my productivity? The honest truth is: I don’t actually know. Maybe it’s psychological. Maybe it’s the fact that in my head, I know that pens are what makes my work get done. They sit in those containers and stare at me until I get my job done. It might work for you, too.

Sticky Notes for Reminders and Inspiration

In plain view, I have 11 sticky notes with life questions that I ask myself every so often. I also have a pad of sticky notes handy for whenever I need to jot down some notes or thoughts that I want to remember. That being said, sticky notes have helps me stay productive. How? Again, I’m not really sure. I know that you’re thinking, “Hey, this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” And that’s okay if you don’t think so. But if you really want to increase your productivity and you have no other options, you’ll start to do anything possible to get those juices flowing.

Pictures of Loved Ones and Favorite Places for Motivation

One thing that I do know is that the people that I am closest to in life are the people who consistently motivate me to succeed. They serve as constant reminders of why I even am on the journey that I’m on. That’s one of the things that really motivate me to be productive. This is simple: find pictures of your family or friends, your significant other or your dog, or even places that you want to travel to. Put them somewhere that you can constantly see them. And whenever you feel like you’re not being productive, give them a gander and kick yourself into high-gear.

Nothing (to Help You Focus)

Completely clear off your desk and give yourself a simple surface to study or work on your craft. Minimalism is something that I find often gives me a chance to really clear my head and focus on what’s in front of me. Sometimes that’s all it takes for me to increase my productivity levels. It may not be the most effective way for some people; distractions can come in all shapes and sizes, including via thoughts. But nonetheless, if you want to jumpstart your productivity, don’t be afraid to clear off your desk and work in simple terms. These may not work for you. That’s okay. But if they do, I’d appreciate it if you shared it with your friends. Want to supercharge your brain? Here are 15 simple ways to do so.