Your body remembers your past lives too, in its aches and illnesses, your mind remembers them through fears and phobias that are a response to past life painful deaths, and your soul remembers them through the wisdom and talents you’ve acquired over those lifetimes. The more lives you’ve lived, the more experiences you’ve had, and the more lessons you’ve learned. And even though your personal experiences might be different and unique from everyone else’s, there are some common factors that older souls share. See if you can relate to these 11 signs:

1. You crave solitude

Are you one of those people who don’t mind being alone? In fact, prefers it? You might notice that there’s a sweetness in solitude that social people don’t understand. Although you enjoy deeper connections, you need solitude and silence to nurture you when you feel disconnected. In your solitude is where you seek connection to the universal soul, and also your deepest self.

2. You’re spiritual, but not necessarily religious

If you’re someone who doesn’t depend on religion for direction, if you’re not afraid to ask the big questions, and letting the answers come up for you, you probably can relate to the “spiritual but not religious” phrase. You seek out activities, people and books that allow you to explore those bigger questions, and not rely on religion to provide you answers. You may be more drawn toward contemplative faiths than traditional practices.

3. You try to look at the bigger picture

You have an expanded perspective of the universe, and your place in it. You’re aware that human beings have a role to play in the energy cycle of the planet, and you participate in activities that support it, like recycling, making energy-saving choices, or planting more trees rather than taking them down.

4. You generally feel older than your age group

Have you always gravitated towards an older age group than your own, even when you were a child? Do you find it easier to have conversations with people who talk about deeper topics, like philosophy, culture, or consciousness? And do you find yourself giving advice to others in your group who come to you for help?

5. You appreciate history

Although you’re not a hoarder, you’re not so quick to toss out old things to replace them with shiny stuff. You appreciate the story in an antique, you like to learn from history, and you prefer old music and literature. You rely on your own taste, rather than follow trendsetters.

6. You feel like you don’t fit in with the society

Older souls often find themselves misunderstood. You might have strong opinions, but they’re generally in support of connecting people, rather than creating discord – building bridges versus building walls; and this might be misconstrued as weak or meek. Because you don’t dance to the popular tune, you might feel like you don’t fit in with the general society around you.

7. You are / were sometimes teased for being “too serious”

You realize that life is important, and that your time on the planet is precious. To ensure that you take advantage of this gift, you use your time to focus on self development and spiritual pursuits, that people around you might consider too intense or too serious. They might not understand the urgency you feel within.

8. Your typical activities are introspective and intellectual

You’re generally drawn to introspective activities such as art, literature, or music, rather than aggressive sports like boxing or hunting. You tend to gravitate toward activities that take you deeper within yourself, to understand your mind and soul, as opposed to outward expressions of power and dominance.

9. You have a deja vu feeling of “been there, done that”

Have you noticed that a lot of skills come naturally to you? You might be naturally dexterous, you might have easy aptitude for drawing or learning, or you might find that you’re quick to pick up on hidden energies. Things that many people struggle to learn might be easy for you to grasp.

10. You’re sensitive toward other helpless, vulnerable beings

Empathy is a gift you’re given as you grow older in soul age. You ache when others cry, you feel their pain when others suffer, and you reach out to those who need a hand. It comes naturally to you, and you don’t think twice about giving away your possessions when someone needs something. You’re one of those people who loves to give more than they receive.

11. You have a strong sense of purpose for your life

You have an overwhelming inner longing for meaning and purpose. You are a seeker, and you want to learn the meaning of life and to know the purpose for your being. You know deep within that you’re here on the planet for a reason and you want this journey of life to be meaningful. If you can relate to the 11 signs above, you might be an old soul! At a time when those who talk the loudest, those who can buy their way, and those who step on others to raise themselves up seem to be getting all the attention, what the world needs is YOU – your quiet inner strength, your empathy, and your wisdom. You can change the world by being yourself, by becoming more of who you are, and by discovering your place and purpose on the planet. Featured photo credit: Marauder via